Commercial projects require a different skill set. CDBL has the expertise to navigate the intricacies of such builds. We understand the importance of delivering a space to showcase your business, we have the track record to prove our capabilities.
Commercial remodelling often gets compared with building or office renovation, but these two concepts are completely different. Remodelling consists of major alterations to the building’s interior and exterior.
Alternations that can upgrade and completely change the look of a building.
Remodelling can take a simple or older and worn-out structure and turn it into a brand-new updated space for your business. We can turn your remodelling plans into a reality.
Over the years CDBL has project managed and completed remodelling of multiple restaurants and time critical builds. Our most recent commercial remodels and earthquake strengthening builds include CS Law in Levin, the RV Centre in Levin, and the just newly completed Horowhenua Community Practice / Think Hauroa Medical Centre in Power Street Levin